Strong Single and Human
Strong, Single and Human is a uniquely real podcast dedicated to all the single parents navigating through the challenges of raising children alone. No matter how you became a single parent, it is the hardest thing you will ever do. We talk about the real side of single parenting with all its impacts, worries and issues,. Listen to interviews with single parents who have dealt with many challenging situations and come through the other side.
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
E55 - Ruthie Renae - Helping Parents Through Self Hypnosis
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
This week’s guest is a certified clinical hypnotherapist.
She discovered that 100% of my 1:1 client’s have found the seed of their adult issues in childhood trauma, but mostly simple misconceptions they made as children.
So, she thought if this is the case why not learn how to help children see their thoughts clearly, ask the right questions and take advantage of this early stage of development to instil positive suggestions that will set them up for success in the future.
It all starts by learning about yourself and doing the healing work on your own.
(You know, the whole 'put your oxygen mask on first and then help your child' analogy.)
Find Ruthie here
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
At the beginning of Feb this year we had an awesome gentleman on to talk about the addicted child and the book he had written on the subject to help parents recognise the signs and then understand what the next steps are should their child be addicted to substances and or other things.
Since then Richard Capriola has been investigating how pandemic has impacted teen substance abuse and teen mental health.
Where to find Richard
Tuesday May 31, 2022
E53 - Jane Coleman - Handling Anxiety with your children
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
My Guest this week has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology from The University of Queensland and is a member of the Australian College of Clinical Psychologists.
She has worked for Triple P International for the past 15 years, providing training and support to practitioners and agencies in Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, in the world renowned, evidence-based program developed at The University of Queensland, Australia and has a particular interest in child and adolescent anxiety.
When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, drinking tea and walking her cocker spaniel, Lucy.
Where to find Jane & Triple P
Tuesday May 24, 2022
E52 - Brenda Miller - The KID Code
Tuesday May 24, 2022
Tuesday May 24, 2022
This week’s guest has taught conscious conflict resolution in six countries and is the author of four books:
The Kid Code - 30 Second Parenting Strategies,
Blessing Mistakes,
Tuskie’s Travels.
Bully Proof Yourself & Your Kids,
Brenda Millar has been in private practice for twenty years where she’s devoted herself to helping people free themselves from upsets and inner conflict—in 30 seconds! Her favourite discovery has been that joy is natural for all human beings—no exceptions. She helps parents and their kids rediscover theirs by doing one of these strategies every time a negative state appears.
Find Brenda at
Wednesday May 18, 2022
E51 - Jem Fuller - Divorce and Separation and How to do it right!
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
This weeks guest has been a week on week off with my kids for about 10 years since his divorce, and covers 100% of the financial responsibility as well as running his own business.
In the weeks he doesn't have them he cram in as much work as possible to pay for everything and has found a positive way for us to live like this. After all, they are the ones who have to move between 2 houses every week!He'd love the chance to inspire other parents, be vulnerable, and share some of the learnings hence I have invited him on this podcast welcome Jem Fuller to the podcast.
Where to find Jem Fuller
Tuesday May 10, 2022
E50 - Laura Griffin -What is making male suicide the only option for some
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
This week’s guest currently works as a counsellor and a yoga teacher, with a particular interest in addiction.
She spent many years working in drug and alcohol rehabilitation settings, where she learnt from her clients (rather than from formal education) the true origin of addiction, which is trauma and emotional pain management.
Recently completed an Honours in Psychology at Victoria University where her thesis subject was on masculinity and its relationship to suicidal ideation, satisfying a longstanding curiosity about men’s mental health.
She is soon to become a first-time mum and have discovered the fascinating world of natural birth practices.
Tuesday May 03, 2022
E49 - Megan McLaren - Me First, Me Second, Me Third
Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
This week’s guest is a mother of twin girls born in 2019 and a stepmother or 2 other children
She has 8+ years of clinical and community social work and has a strong mental health background, a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and am a trained Behavioural Health Consultant working with patients (ages 0-100) on symptom reduction, achieving success in both their mental and physical health.
In 2020 was the hardest year of her life, suffering from PPD and PPA shortly after the emergency birth of my daughters and a week-long NICU stay.
She used the same tools that she uses with my patients to pull myself through the darkest time of my life while exercising healthy boundaries, severing toxic ties, and prioritizing myself and my mental health.
Today she supports mothers on their journey telling them that it’s, “me first, me second, me third.”
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
E48 - Dr Joseph Garcia -Baby Sign Language
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
Tuesday Apr 26, 2022
This week I have the Grandfather of Baby Sign Language, is one of the world’s leading experts in the baby sign language revolution. In his highly acclaimed books Toddler Talk (1994) and SIGN with your BABY (1999),
Dr. Garcia explores the miracle of how young babies are able to communicate with their parents using signing, sometimes before 6 months of age. He’s worked with more than 5,000 babies and their families through community, hospital and national education programs. help parents and caregivers find it easy to learn and use more signs than they thought possible (while still having fun).
Find Dr Joseph Garcia here
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
E47 - Gotcha4life - Gus Worland
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
This week’s guest is a Family man. Friend. Sports fan. Founder. Australian radio host and TV personality and the driving force behind mental fitness charity Gotcha4Life.
A compassionate bloke, my guest heart was shattered the day news arrived that Angus - his friend, mentor, and father figure - had taken his life. Angus seemed to have it all but he had something else too. Inner worries that were eating away at him. And he never told anyone about it.
My guest set up the not-for-profit foundation in 2017 to help people develop the emotional muscle, resilience and social connections needed to build mental fitness and prevent suicide.
Gotcha4Life is Australia’s leading mental fitness charity, working to end suicide through delivering programs that build emotional muscle, resilience and social connection in individuals, families, and local communities.
This is close to my heart as 8 years ago I lost a very good friend at 52 to suicide, it was sudden, everyone was left wondering why, we were angry he didn’t reach out and we all where wondering how could we have prevented it
Where to find Gus and Gotch4life
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
E46 - Lisa Jayne - How to empower and connect with your teen
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
An Educator, Speaker and Author of “The Emotionally Powerful Mother", this week guest helps guide mothers to parent differently, so they can feel more empowered and connected to their 8–16-year-old daughters, while helping them to grow authentically and learn the emotional life skills necessary for the 21st century and build deeply satisfying connection.
Her 5 keys formula, developed through her work with thousands of individuals provide a practical pathway to the power of the true self - the diamond within, that once activated delivers clarity, strength, and quality of relationship.
She is also a mother of 4 and loves elephants, poetry, and the beach but not necessarily in that order
Where to find Lisa Jayne