Strong Single and Human
Strong, Single and Human is a uniquely real podcast dedicated to all the single parents navigating through the challenges of raising children alone. No matter how you became a single parent, it is the hardest thing you will ever do. We talk about the real side of single parenting with all its impacts, worries and issues,. Listen to interviews with single parents who have dealt with many challenging situations and come through the other side.
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
E65 - Doug Noll - How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
This week’s guest is an award-winning author, speaker, and trainer. After 22 years as a trial lawyer, he became a peacemaker and mediator. Today, he helps people solve deep and intractable conflicts and teaches others to do what he does teaching Decision Making Under Uncertainty Conflict.
He is the co-founder of the award-winning Prison of Peace Project, in which he teaches murderers in maximum security prisons to be peacemakers and mediators.
He has trained mediators and leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia in his innovative peacemaking and mediation processes. He has personally mediated over 1,500 disputes, including sexual abuse cases in the Catholic Church and criminal victim-offender cases.
His honours include California Lawyer Magazine Attorney of the Year, a Purpose Prize Fellow, and Best Lawyers of America Lawyer of the Year.
And if all that wasn’t enough - he has written four books - his latest released on September 12, 2017, entitled De-Escalate: How to Calm an Angry Person in 90 Seconds or Less (Atria/Beyond Words).
Elusive Peace: How Modern Diplomatic Strategies Could Better Resolve World Conflicts
Peacemaking: Practicing at the Intersection of Law and Human Conflict
Sex, Politics & Religion at the Office: The New Competitive Advantage
He is the creator of online video courses in legal negotiation and emotional de-escalation and has conducted dozens of webinars. His video offerings on YouTube have garnered over 87,000 views.
Doug's special offering to podcast listeners
Find Doug in all these other places
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
E64 - Terry Tucker - As long as you don’t quit, you can never be defeated
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Today’s guest has been a college basketball player, Customer Service Manager then after his daughter was born, he became a police officer with the Cincinnati Police Department, where I was a SWAT Hostage Negotiator.
In early 2012 he was diagnosed with a rare form of Melanoma, which presented on the bottom of my foot. By the time the melanoma was detected, it had metastasized to a lymph node in my groin.
After two surgeries to remove the tumours, he was put on a weekly injection of the drug, Interferon, to help keep the disease from coming back.
He took those weekly injections for almost 5 years before the Interferon became so toxic to my body that I ended up in the Intensive Care Unit with a fever of 108 degrees.
There were times he felt so poorly and was in so much agony that he prayed to die. Each day was a struggle to use his mind to override his body's apathy and distress.
One thing he learnt during all his pain and suffering is that you have two choices. You can succumb to the debilitating discomfort and misery, or you can learn to embrace it and use it to make you a stronger and better human being and he chose the latter.
I realize pain and discomfort can beat you to your knees and keep you there if you let it. But I also came to appreciate that I could use my hurting and anguish to make me stronger and more resolute.
He has recently written a book, entitled Sustainable Excellence, Ten Principles to Leading Your Uncommon and Extraordinary Life, to help people find and live their uncommon and extraordinary life. His hope is that people who read the book will lead a life of significance, as well as a life of success.
If there is one thing, he’s learnt is that as long as you don’t quit, you can never be defeated.
Find Terry here
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
E63 - Jem Fuller - The Art of Conscious Communication
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
This week’s guest I have interviewed before about his separation from his wife 10 years ago and now his co parenting tips.
He has also written some books which provoke important conversations.
His first book, What Matters Most, is the distillation of the most important and effective strategies taught on his Conscious Series retreats in the Himalaya, Bali and Australia. It covers 4 conversations in a free easy read are:
Identity – Relationship with Self
Connection – The Greater System, Humility and Flow
Purpose – Meaning, Significance and Contribution
Others – EQ, Collaboration and Compassion
He has now written a second book - The Art of Conscious Communication: A Series.
The first book – for thoughtful men encourages us to rewrite the stereotypes of men; to access our emotions and abilities and to expand our self-awareness.
Where to find Jem:
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
E62 - Zanni Louise - Children’s Author Extraordinaire
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
This weeks guest has been writing stories since she was little, growing up in country NSW. Author of over twenty-five kids’ books, including bestselling picture book series Human-Kind and Errol, She has been long-listed for CBCA Awards and short-listed for the Australian Book Design Awards. Her book Persistence was highly commended in the Australian Education Publishing Awards and Human-Kind was voted best picture book series by Bookstagang.
Her books are published in over twenty foreign territories. She also runs a picture book course online each year and if that wasn’t enough teaches picture books and chapter books at the Australian Writers Centre, offers private mentoring, and travels to schools and festivals across Australia, helping creatives achieve their writing dreams.
Where to find Zanni
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
E61 - Robin Stoltman - Healing for the Soul
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Robin Stoltman is an Intuitive Mindset Expert, Certified Hypnotherapist and the founder and CEO of Healing for the Soul. Her mission is to help parents unlock the power of their mind to get anything they want both personally and professionally.
Robin was inspired to create her company after surviving multiple childhood traumas, a severe brain injury and then having Minnesota Child Protective Services steal her first son at just four days old without any court orders or proof. Now she helps people in releasing negative emotions, anxiety, and self-limiting beliefs related to any and all of life’s challenges.
In addition to her diploma in Hypnotherapy, Robin has a total of 26 certifications related to the mind and healing in addition to her having earned a diploma in hypnotherapy along with a directors award from the US’s only accredited college of hypnotherapy and she has been featured nationally and locally on US Radio
Find Robin here
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
E60 - Brenda Millar - How to bully proof your child
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
This week’s guest is returning to talk about bullying and has taught conscious conflict resolution in six countries and is the author of four books:
The Kid Code - 30 Second Parenting Strategies,
Blessing Mistakes,
Tuskie’s Travels.
Bully Proof Yourself & Your Kids,
Brenda Millar has been in private practice for twenty years where she’s devoted herself to helping people free themselves from upsets and inner conflict—in 30 seconds! Her favourite discovery has been that joy is natural for all human beings—no exceptions. She helps parents and their kids rediscover theirs by doing one of these strategies every time a negative state appears.
Find Brenda here
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
E59 - Babs Faseesin - Cracking the Code on Life
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
This week’s guest is an expert at leveraging the power of brands to secure the competitive edge, he has worked on projects for several leading brands across North America, Europe, and Africa, including Samsung, Coca-Cola, Toyota, Procter and Gamble, and Nestlé among others.
When the Covid-19 pandemic caused the world to shut down, the lenses through which he viewed life changed. He quickly went from being on the plane a few times a week to being in pyjamas all day, every day and while many of my friends saw this as challenge, He saw a unique opportunity to put his message on the pages of a book “cracking the Life Code”.
He says “Life does not come with a manual; however, if you master your mindset, behaviours, and habits so you can navigate life better and achieve personal success and teach children this from a very early age can affect their health, happiness, and wellbeing as well
Born and raised in Nigeria, he lives in New York City now, where he enjoys food photography, hiking, and conquering a goal of traveling to all 50 states.
Find Babs here
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
E58 - Mia Northrop - Life Hacks for single parents
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
This weeks guest Mia Northrop is a trained coach, cohost of the Life Admin Life Hacks podcast and coauthor of the book Life Admin Hacks. After a diverse and dynamic career in Melbourne, London and New York, she was on the cusp of burnout and partnered with a longtime school friend, also juggling work and home, to find a better way for themselves and other working parents. She now supports individuals and employees to streamline their life admin so they can win back more free time and mental space, save money, and nurture household harmony. She's a co parent of two primary school-aged kids, who values living authentically and inspiring others to do so too.
Find Mia at
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
E57 - Graciela Ramon - Part 2 - My journey to help my autistic child
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Part 2 of my interview with Graciela Ramon - a mother of 3 children one of whom was diagnosed with severe autism some 36 years ago.
From the age of 1 her eldest was different from other child and she tirelessly searched to find out what was wrong and after 4 years was told he was autistic.
During this time, she left her addicted husband and found herself alone with little to no support. Feeling rage, loneliness, exhausted, overwhelmed, confused, disconnected and stress she had to supporting her children emotionally and financially.
She worked 15 hours days and nights until one day, after being sexual harassed by my boss, she decided that she couldn’t continue living the life she was living and sought help……
Find Graciela here
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
E56 - Graciela Ramon - Part 1 - Her journey to help her Autistic Child
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
This week’s guest is a mother of 3 children one of whom was diagnosed with severe autism some 36 years ago.
From the age of 1 her eldest was different from other child and she tirelessly searched to find out what was wrong and after 4 years was told he was autistic.
During this time, she left her addicted husband and found herself alone with little to no support. Feeling rage, loneliness, exhausted, overwhelmed, confused, disconnected and stress she had to supporting her children emotionally and financially.
She worked 15 hours days and nights until one day, after being sexual harassed by her boss, she decided that she couldn’t continue living the life she was living and sought help……
Find Graciela here